The Fundamentals Of Cross-Hatching

This 2.5 hour class is designed for those of you that have some experience with drawing and working with a pen, but are new to working in pen and ink, and covers just about everything you need to know to get started working in this fun yet challenging hatching method.

The tutorial is broken into 8 lessons, which besides covering “The six basic strokes” also deal with the five basic rules of cross-hatching, three hatching exercises, the properties of light and shadow, how to render simple volumes, and finally how to put all of these skill together to draw this still-life.

Unlike many of my other tutorials, that use time-lapse, editing and voice-overs, this class is taught fully in real-time with minimal editing, and is much closer to the way one would learn in an actual classroom. Nevertheless, I’m not one to ramble or drone on, and this is an organized, concise lecture and demonstration that packs a lot of information.

  • The Fundamentals of Crosshatching: The 6 Basic Strokes

    2h 26m — 1 text track

    This 2.5 hour class, designed for beginning artists, will teach you simple, effective cross hatching methods that can be applied to a variety of subject matter, such as landscape, figure drawing and urban sketching.

    As the title suggests, I’m going to cover the 6 types of hatching strokes common...